Data & Code


Code for published work can be accessed through our lab's Github


Data for Zhu et al., 2022, "Amplification is the Primary Mode of Gene-by-Sex Interaction in Complex Human Traits"

Sex-specific GWAS summary statistics and other supplementary files can be found here.

Data for Mostafavi*, Harpak* et al. 2020,  “Variable Prediction Accuracy of Polygenic Scores Within an Ancestry Group”

GWAS summary statistics used to generate the main figures of the paper will be available starting March 2020 in this dryad repository.

Data for Harpak et al. 2020, “Genetic Adaptation in New York City Rats”

A VCF file of 29 Rattus norvegicus samples from NYC, as well as a VCF with both the NYC sample and a sample of 9 rats from Deinum et al. 2015 are available for download  here.

Supplementary tables with genomic loci we identified as potential targets of adaptations, visualizations of multi-site genotypes at candidate loci and all other supplementary materials are available here.